Proper Care for Your Dental Implants

Everybody loves a beautiful smile. But sometimes life happens, and one may find they need a little more help than what routine dental care can offer. In the case of missing teeth, many people are turning to dental implants with the help of Dallas cosmetic dentists.

Oral Cancer Prevention

Oral cancers amount to approximately 2% of all cancers in women and 3% in men. In the past men have outnumbered women 2 to 1, but these statistics are changing as women are exposed to the same dangerous risk factors as men. Like most cancers, oral cancer has an increased risk with aging, and more… Continue reading Oral Cancer Prevention

Bloodbourne Diseases and Oral Health

Proper oral hygiene is important for every person, and our Dallas dentists can provide the necessary regular care. You shouldn’t interrupt your oral health care because you have a bloodbourne disease, or because you are afraid of getting a bloodbourne disease at your dentist’s office. With today’s modern practice of infection control standards, the risks… Continue reading Bloodbourne Diseases and Oral Health

Five Myths About Your Teeth

It’s no secret that brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and visiting a dentist at least twice a year will result in clean and healthy teeth. A nutritious diet, fluoride rinse and dental sealants can also prevent tooth decay and cavities. But did you realize that there… Continue reading Five Myths About Your Teeth

Everything Comes Back in Style (Even in Dentistry)

Are You A Candidate For Veneers Without Any Removal Of Tooth Structure? On TV shows featuring dental makeovers, people endure extreme dental work to achieve a beautiful smile. In real life, however, we find that most patients are looking for simple ways to enhance their smile. This demand has reintroduced porcelain veneers with no or… Continue reading Everything Comes Back in Style (Even in Dentistry)

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