Everything Comes Back in Style (Even in Dentistry)

Are You A Candidate For Veneers Without Any Removal Of Tooth Structure?

On TV shows featuring dental makeovers, people endure extreme dental work to achieve a beautiful smile. In real life, however, we find that most patients are looking for simple ways to enhance their smile. This demand has reintroduced porcelain veneers with no or minimal tooth structure removal, called “No Prep” veneers.

Are You A Candidate For Veneers Without Any Removal Of Tooth Structure?

When No Prep veneers first became popular in the 1980s, they were an improvement over crowns and caps. Applying these veneers was even a reversible procedure. Unfortunately, these early veneers were very thick so patients wearing them often had a bucktooth appearance. These veneers were also yellowed to match the color of natural teeth and whiter shades were not available. Naturally, patient and dentist interest in No Prep veneers waned.

Are You A Candidate For Veneers Without Any Removal Of Tooth Structure?

Fortunately, porcelain technology has improved over the years. These days, veneers are thinner, more durable, and dazzlingly white. That’s why patients who want the most conservative and best esthetic treatment possible and dentists who want to accommodate them are turning to No Prep veneers, such as Cerinate Lumieer veneers, to change the appearance of their smiles.

Are You A Candidate For Veneers Without Any Removal Of Tooth Structure?

Who are the best candidates for No Prep veneers? They’re anyone who has a naturally slim smile or had orthodontic treatment that narrowed their smile. They’re patients who want to whiten their smile but have sensitive or bleach-resistant teeth. Or it could be anyone who just wants to change the appearance of their smile. If you’re curious about No Prep porcelain veneers, talk to Dr. Cowdin. You owe it to yourself to find out if No Prep Veneers will work for you!

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