Single-Visit Repair With Dental Bonding

When you have multiple cosmetic concerns with your smile, or a cavity, then you may need treatment. With composite resin, we can offer a bonding procedure to repair the smile in only one visit. At your Dallas, TX dental practice, we can offer dramatic improvement in one appointment with dental bonding.

Composite Resin

Composure resin is a unique blend of acrylic-like and glass-like particles. The material contains no metal, and is safe for all ages, including patients who are pregnant or elderly. The material can be used in restorative and cosmetic procedures, as the material is biocompatible and bonds with the tooth, providing results that can last for years to come. The material can also be color matched to blend with your smile and provide results that look natural. With this material, our team can treat a variety of cosmetic issues and provide repair that protects teeth from complications like tooth decay and infection, while also offering esthetically pleasing results too.

Bonding Procedures

Dental bonding can be used to address an array of minor cosmetic issues, so we can repair and transform your tooth in only one visit. The placement process is a simple one, including our team numb the tooth so we can remove decay and etch the surface comfortably. We then prepare and apply the composite resin in several layers. As we cure the material beneath a light, we will sculpt and mold the tooth to ensure an attractive appearance and a balanced bite. Finally, we polish it for a brighter appearance.

The procedure can be used to close embarrassing gaps between teeth, repair minor chips and cracks, and even reshape malformed teeth. Our team can lengthen teeth worn down by grinding or chewing too. We can even mask permanent teeth stains, the kind that may otherwise resist teeth whitening. This is safe for kids and adults alike, and the material can last up to 10 years or more in some cases.

Dental Fillings

If you have an aching tooth due to tooth decay, we can use the same material to provide a filling that repairs the tooth and offers a lifelike appearance. The placement process is similar to the bonding one, and stops aches to ensure better oral health and a lifelike appearance. If you have any questions about how we use composite resin to address cosmetic concerns in a bonding procedure, or to treat tooth decay with filling placement, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Cosmetic Dentistry

Our team wants to offer major movement and smile protection in only one visit! If you would like to find out more about repairing and restoring smiles in one visit, please call your Dallas, TX dental office at (972) 380-6223.


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