3 Welcome Changes Made By Veneers

Some people are just one conspicuous flaw away from their perfect smile. For others, several changes need to be made before they reach their ideal look. In both circumstances, porcelain veneers can offer great benefits! Our Dallas, TX dental practice can provide veneers that are custom-made for the teeth you want restored. The procedure is fit into just two appointments. Your first visit gives us the opportunity to confirm this treatment is right for you, and it lets us prepare you for personalized care. At your second appointment, you will receive your permanent veneers. After this, you can show off a stunning smile, one that you are eager to share with the world!

1. Veneers Can Address Discoloration When Teeth Whitening Agents Are Less Effective

While teeth whitening is often recommended as a means of correcting discoloration, there are patients who require a different approach. The reason for this is that their issue is with intrinsic discoloration, which means they need to do something about a problem within the structure and not just external stains. Your custom restorations can hide this problem, making your smile brighter.

2. You Can Conservatively Fix Problems With Damage Or Wear And Tear With Veneers

Whether the problem is from natural wear and tear or an injury, damage to your enamel can be a source of embarrassment. While there are times when dental crowns are needed to protect teeth that have structural harm, veneers can help as well. Choosing cosmetic treatment limits the amount of work on your tooth structure. This is because you only need preparatory work on the front surfaces of teeth rather than the entire structure above the gumline.

3. Treatment With Veneers Can Correct Tooth Shape And Size Concerns

Not all smile problems are linked to changes to your tooth structure. Some people have naturally occurring problems with teeth that are misshapen, too large or small, or uneven in some other way. Veneers can address these flaws to make sure your smile is symmetrical and attractive. Careful measurements of your teeth will be taken at your initial appointment, which helps to ensure that the procedure you enjoy corrects problems while giving you a natural appearance.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Treatment With Veneers!

Are you tired of feeling bothered by your smile? Whether you want to make one change or several, cosmetic dentistry can help you. Cowdin Cosmetic Dentistry provides different options for care, including care with porcelain veneers. Whether you want to do something about discoloration, damage, or another flaw, these restorations can help you. We are happy to consult with you about your options so that you can feel great about your appearance after treatment! For more information, call our Dallas, TX dental office today at (972) 380-6223.

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